A Brief Pause
“To hold a viewer’s attention is paramount to the affect of art objects towards our understanding of such objects. Value, experience, and convenience become limitations and opportunities for art objects to hold such a moment in time. A Brief Pause.

How does one capture attention?

What does this moment of attention bring?

Why do we need a brief pause?

In an online environment, attention is paid briefly. Like life, it is continually scrolling and progressing as we traverse it. A Brief Pause lends a moment of silence and tranquility towards the rapidity of our environments. It excavates our understandings of time and helps up confront what is arguably a domineering force in our lives.”

-Luigi Pulido
A Brief Pause was curated By Luigi Pulido and Facilitated by the Ivan Gallery

Find more about the artists…

Meghan Gould Instagram: @meggould.studio Website: http://www.meggouldstudio.ca

H.B. Fenna Kort Instagram: @fennakort Website: fennakort.com
Posted, Kacie Conner, digital print collage, 2020
Beep beep coming through, Digital Collage, Meghan Gould, 2020
Touch, Enfolding, H.B. Fenna Kort, Digital Photograph, 2020